

More of Saichi Nagato's illustrations in the Novel section of the Gallery. This time the scans were made by Kat (thanks!), and they come from volumes 4 and 5 of the novel. >>


Here comes the strictly graphic update:
– Illustrations to the first three volumes of the newest edition of the novel (scanned and shared with by Harlequine).
– Illustrations to volume 6 of the Crystal Bunko edition (scanned and shared with by Mathia).
You will find them all in the Novel Gallery. >>

I couldn't refrain from indulging my private kink – comparing, so I played a little with the new pics and added a few interesting pairs to Compare Gallery. Take a look if you please, hope it will be fun. >>

Unfortunately, on Mathia's request, I also had to take down some of the illustrations to On Hire and Fortress, as well as a couple of the artist's older pics. Mathia promised to make new versions of them, so let's hope soon the loss will be compensated. One of the pics is already done – the scene between Katze and Iason from On Hire. To be seen in Mathia's gallery. >>


Here is what I owed you for quite a while: the completion of Ainz's story The journey itself, is freedom >>, as well as Labingi's review of the sixth – and so far the last – volume of the novel translation. >>

More hopefully to come soon.


1. Continuation of Ainz's story The journey itself..., plus Sabine's new illustration to the fic. >>

2. Quite a few new fanarts that I came across on a fellow Russian AnK site. New pics by: Milky, uTK (new author section), Tess and Oka Yutaka (section with single works). >>


In today's update:

1. Quite a few more chapters of Ainz's story The journey itself, is freedom. >>

2. Labingi's review of chapter 5 of the novel. >>

Next update hopefully in not too long.


A few important changes on the site. As you can see, I've just transferred it to a new server. The reason is simple: at Atspace.com I've run out of discspace. I also set up a new *real* domain, which is definitely an improvement, although you have probably gotten used to the old address.

Another change is the News section. Go there and read the first information, it should explain all the questions as to why I started it and what you will find there.

In CD Drama section I had a link to DE Visualization, which – I was aware – hasn't been working for quite a while. For a long time I didn't know how to deal with it, it's practically impossible to find a free file hosting server that allows big enough files and hosts them forever. Finally I found a slightly different solution – I hope this will work. I'm happy to tell you that the link is active again and hopefully will stay that way for good.


1. Ainfern's new fic – The journey itself, is freedom, continuing the series. Six chapters at once. >>

2. Mathia's new pics of Katze and color-haired elites. >>

3. Labingi's review of volume 4 of the novel translation. >>

Also, a few of my own reflections about the translation in my LJ. >>


Just fanarts this time. Another Sabine's illustration to Ainz's Beyond fate, there is choice. Also, a few new sketches by WhiteMist – illustrations to Delivery.


Now Ainz's Beyond fate, there is choice is complete. As an addition a lovely side story Touching hope – make sure you read it. Another lovely bonus are two illustrations by Sabine. And there will be more of them in the next update. All in Ainzfern's fiction.


1. First few chapters of Ainzfern's new story Beyond fate, there is choice.

2. The final chapter of Phae's The Holocaust Piano.

Check it out.


Chapters 10 to 19 of To thine own self by Ainzfern. The fic is now complete. As always, enjoy!


Ainzfern is definitely a light-speed author. Let me present the first nine chapters of the sequel to Walk forward, into the world. The new fic is titled To thine own self and features Raoul/Katze. Yay! ;-D You will find it in Ainzfern fiction.


Second half of Walk forward, into the world by Ainzfern. And it's finished. It was fast. ;-) Enjoy!


1. Part three of Labingi's review series of the novel translation – in the Articles.

2. A brand new fic, Walk forward, into the world by Ainzfern. Finally some Iason/Riki that is not derivative to the canon (repeating what was already written/shown in the novel/anime) and that isn't clearly inconsistent with it (great love at the times of Riki's capture). It's a post AnK story. What could be done to make Amoian reality slightly better...

3. In the Fic Recs a new recommendation – Just Like Heaven. Make sure to check it.


A new chapter of The Holocaust Piano in Phae's fiction and a oneshot story Mother by Labingi, in Labingi's fiction, of course. Enjoy!


A few new fanarts: by Sirielle and Tatsuya in Single works and by Mathia – in Mathia's fanart.

Plus a review of volume 2 of English translation of the Ai no Kusabi novel – in Articles.


1. Thirteen chapter of Phae's The Holocaust Piano in Phae's fiction.

2. A few new fanarts: by Mathia and Milky. Follow the links in the artists' names.

I also uploaded Dark Erogenous Visualization to the new server, because the old link wasn't working. The file is much smaller now (I compressed the sound as it should be) – 181Mb instead of 766Mb.


I will no longer comment on long gaps between updates, because I would be repeating myself. ;-] So – the new stuff. Firstly, Phae has delivered another chapter of The Holocaust Piano – go to Phae's fiction and follow the links as always. Secondly – the first volume of Ai no Kusabi novel has been finally released in English. I refreshed some information in the Main and Novel sections. Plus, on the occasion of the release, I have a review of the novel/translation, written by Labingi – check Articles section. Finally the last thing – a gift art for Delivery, made by Ghazaleh. In Delivery story index. Speaking of Delivery, it's still on hold, sorry. But considering rare updates nowadays, it might even be ready for the next time. ;-)

2007 << >> 2010